NoRSX v0.1.8 & NoRSX Emulator v0.0.4

Developer deroad aggiornato il suo progetto NoRSX , e ha pubblicato NoRSX v0.1.8 e NoRSX Emulator v0.0.4 , sono una serie di strumenti per creare hombrew per ps3 .

Change log NoRSX

PC Emulator:
1) Added PS3 Controller emulator (quite simple. it only has the main buttons but not analogic & axis sensors)
2) Fixed PNG loading.
3) Added Animation.cpp and Animation.h to allow any kind of animations
4) New Bitmap Functions
5) Fixed some stuff for MSG_dialog

PS3 library

1) Added Animation.cpp and Animation.h to allow any kind of animations
2) New Bitmap Functions

to be added soon for ps3.
1) Hardware Surface Transformation. this will allow to write an HD app that works on SD TVs. an example: 720p to 576p. you will work on 720p surface, but you will blit a 576p surface.
2) fix XMB in-game problems. i know this problem. i need to understand how to use gcmSetSecondVHandler() if anybody knows how it works, i will appreciate.

NoRSX Changelog:

- 0.0.1 -
    PNG/JPG support
- 0.0.2 -
    Now it loads everything correctly.
- 0.0.3 -
    Background support.
    Can generate an object like rectangles
- 0.0.4 -
    Added Msg dialog.
    Added Sperimental Text (NO FONTS for now).
    Added Partial Image function.
- 0.0.5 -
    Added Printf to the Sperimental Text function.
    Added Pixel.
- 0.0.5b -
    Added Circle.
    Added Pixel4.
- 0.0.5c -
    Added AlphaBlending (15 fps).
- 0.0.6 -
    Added line.
- 0.0.7 -
    Added AlphaBlending (30 fps).
- 0.0.8 -
    Added TTF support (be careful when using it! it's still sperimental).
- 0.0.9 -
    Now TTF support is perfect!
    Removed old font support.
- 0.0.9b -
    Added a few options!.
- 0.1.0 -
    Added Bitmap!.
- 0.1.0b -
    Fixed Bitmap when exit.
- 0.1.0c -
    Performance Patch by KDSBest (thanks for them. most of the stuffs that go to 24 FPS, now go to 30 FPS).
- 0.1.0d -
    Performance Patch by Deroad/Wargio ~40 FPS.
- 0.1.1 -
    Added Change Screen Size.
    Screen Size Supported:
        They needs to be initialized as this Example: NoRSX GFX(RESOLUTION_1280x720);
- 0.1.1b -
    Fixed Screen Size bugs.
- 0.1.1c -
    Performance Patch by KDSBest (Just for Images).
    Added DrawIMGtoBitmap function for JPG (I forgot this one!)
- 0.1.1d -
    Added PS3 Font PATHS
- 0.1.1e -
    Font Size..
- 0.1.2 -
    Fixed Font ChromaKey. now fonts are better displayed 
- 0.1.5 -
    Now it's a real lib. to use it you will need to add in the Makefile the -lNoRSX flag
    New Header. now to include NoRSX inside your code, you will need to add the new header <NoRSX.h>
    Added EventHandler. it is included with <NoRSX.h> you don't need to use it. it's already configured by the lib.
- 0.1.6 -
    Added gradient for background color.
- 0.1.8 -
    Added Animation.cpp and Animation.h to create animations
    New Bitmap Functions

NoRSX Emulator Changelog:

- 0.0.4 -
    Added -I flag to the Makefile
    Fixed PNG loading
    Added Animation.cpp and Animation.h to allow animations
    New Bitmap Functions
- 0.0.3 - 
    Fixed MsgDialog
    Added PS3 Controller Emulation
        *DELETE     ->BUTTON_START
        *UP     ->BUTTON_UP
        *DOWN       ->BUTTON_DOWN
        *LEFT       ->BUTTON_LEFT
        *RIGHT      ->BUTTON_BTN_RIGHT
        *Left ALT   ->BUTTON_SQUARE
        *RETURN     ->BUTTON_CROSS
        *1      ->BUTTON_R1
        *2      ->BUTTON_R2
        *3      ->BUTTON_R3
        *4      ->BUTTON_L1
        *5      ->BUTTON_L2
        *6      ->BUTTON_L3
- 0.0.2 -
    Added MSG Dialog
- 0.0.1 -
    Initial version, based on NoRSX for PS3 version 0.1.1e
