Frédéric ha aggiornato il suo LoneWolf DS: Cavern of Kalte, terzo libro della famosa saga di libri-gioco Lone Wolf (in italiano Lupo Solitario) opportunamente rivisitata su DS. Sono stati corretti alcuni bug, ecco il changelog:

Fixed a very nasty bug that didn't save some important events in the save file (ouch! Thanks Pozda!)
• Fixed a bug when the Sommerswerd was not equipped as a weapon, but was still giving full CS bonus (thanks Aia!)
• Fixed a bug when the Sommerswerd was not equipped as a weapon, and was not detected as being in the inventory.
Download Caverns of Kalte

Per chi se li fosse perso, ecco i precedenti due capitoli della saga:
Download Flight from the Dark
Download Fire on the Water